
A Customer Centric Strategy to Sales


Sales and customer success are two interconnected aspects of a business. They both play a vital role in driving growth and profitability. Traditionally, sales have been primarily focused on acquiring new customers and closing deals. However, in recent years, the concept of customer success has gained significant importance in the business world.

In order to convince the customer that the sale is focused on their business success, one needs to adopt a customer-centric sales strategy that demonstrates a deep understanding of customer needs. It will also showcase how the product or service can genuinely benefit the customer’s business.

Here is a step-by-step guide for crafting such a strategy:

Research and Understand the Customer

Before engaging with the customer, conduct thorough research to understand their business, industry, pain points, and goals. You may use their website, social media, any available case studies, or testimonials to gain insights into their specific challenges and achievements. Visit their premises and gain insight into their work environment. And review their vision and mission statement to understand their company values.

Listen Actively

When interacting with the customer, be an active listener. Let them talk about their business, objectives, and concerns. By paying attention, you can identify opportunities where your product/service aligns with their needs. Show genuine interest in wanting to learn about their company and how they reached the level of success they are in.

Tailor Your Approach

Based on research and listening, customize the sales pitch. Praise the customer for the successes they have gained, and address the customer’s specific pain points and goals. And showcase how the offered product can help the company achieve its objectives, and increase its success rates.

Highlight Relevant Benefits

Focus on the benefits that are most relevant to the customer’s business success. How will the product/service save them time, increase efficiency, reduce costs, boost employee morale, raise revenue, or improve customer satisfaction? Use concrete examples, and show data when needed to back up claims.

Provide Case Studies and Success Stories

Share case studies or success stories of other clients in similar industries or situations who have achieved significant success using the offered product/service. This will definitely build credibility and demonstrate real-world application.

Offer a Solution, Not Just a Product

Position the offered product/service as a comprehensive solution to the customer’s problems rather than a mere commodity. Show how it integrates into their existing processes, fills gaps, adds value across their operations, and achieves company targets.

Offer a Trial or Pilot

If applicable, offer a trial period or pilot project. This allows the customer to experience the benefits firsthand without a significant commitment, building confidence in the solution’s potential to drive success.

Provide Excellent Customer Support

Show commitment to providing ongoing support and assistance to ensure that the customer achieves the desired outcomes. Reliable customer support enhances confidence in the salesperson’s dedication to their success. Don’t wait for the customer to ask for contact information or website, initiate providing the client with all information needed to facilitate their customer experience.

Focus on Long-Term Partnership

Express a desire to establish a long-term partnership with the customer. Efforts and interest in their continued success will resonate positively. By doing that, the customer will be more inclined to view the sales process as a collaborative effort.

Follow Up and Request Feedback

After the completion of the sale, stay engaged with the customer. Seek feedback on their experience with the product/service. Address any concerns promptly, and continue to explore opportunities to add value to their business.

Remember, the key to a successful customer-centric sales strategy is to genuinely care about the customer’s success. Demonstrating that commitment throughout the sales process and beyond will increase customer confidence. It will build trust and loyalty that leads to lasting and fruitful business relationships.

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Meeting Customer Needs in a Pandemic Era

Meeting customer needs: the objective of every business.

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Are you one of the enterprises that had to remodel its business processes in order to stay operating during the COVID-19 era? Or are you still running your business in survival mode? Meeting customer needs in a pandemic era have been the focus of every business.

The Difference

Innovation in remodeling the business is what differentiates businesses that are meeting their monthly revenue from businesses that are struggling to survive. The Pandemic has changed lifestyles and closed businesses and the need to restructure and remodel the business will allow more room to meet customer needs. The pandemic has really hit the business community hard, especially in trades like food, events, and hospitality industries.

A Business Guide

Here are Four tips to guide the business as it innovatively remodels its offerings:

  1. Time to Reflect: Take time to reflect, evaluate and write down the current offerings of the business. It is very important to have a clear view of what’s current in order to identify the sudden change that took over since the pandemic started.
  2. Identify Changes: With an open mind, identify the changes that were imposed on the business. Keep a log in order to enhance clarity of the situation . Sometimes business owners find it difficult to embrace change. However, in the world of business, change has proven to be evident. In normal days business owners have to keep watch for trends and quickly adapt to the changes that come with them.  While the pandemic brought major changes to the business world, business owners still have to adapt and be open to alter their practices.
  3. Brain storm: Reflect on the list of changes that the business had experienced one at a time. Write down innovative remodelling ideas for the business.  It can be amendments to practices and operations, or it may be bringing in some new products or services. While brainstorming mark down creative and innovative ideas as they come to mind. And always keep customers as the target audience and core mark to the new model.
  4. Create a Plan: Now that all the facts are at hand, it is time to organize the collected data and edit the list of remodelling ideas. With that we are equipped to establish a readiness and come up with a plan. The objective behind that process is to implement change. Modifications that are geared to regain consumer confidence and recommence consistent growth for the business.


That exercise will restructure the business model to retain and acquire customers in a pandemic era. Once that practice is complete, and the business starts running with the new model, then it is time to craft a marketing plan that works in sync with the new changes.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post! You may follow BizReflections blog for future business related posts and updates. (FOLLOW button in sidebar). I would also like to invite you to subscribe to BizReflections YouTube channel. On our channel there is a collection of business videos that equip small business owners for growth.

December: A Critical Month for the Small Business

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Entrepreneurship was very important at our home as my parents were entrepreneurs. And despite the rush and hustle that always came with the month of December, it was the month we enjoyed the most. My Dad owned a retail store on a busy street in the city of Beirut. And one of the most memorable times I have for December is when my siblings and I used to alternate to go and help my Dad at the store. That was always the busiest time of the year.  Yes, to some businesses it may be a busy month, but to others, it is the slowest time of the year. Whatever season December may mean for any business, it is considered a critical month to many owners and entrepreneurs. Many may not see it as a critical month yet, however, this blog may be an eye-opener to many!

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Steps To Consider

If December is a high season for the business, get the help it needs to meet customer requirements. However, if it is a slow season and has a decline in sales, it does not mean that time spent on planning and doing admin work gets undervalued. Here is a list of tasks that can be done in December to prepare the business for a successful year ahead.


Evaluate the calendar year not only in terms of sales but also in terms of operations and customer relations. Review business practices and learn from mistakes done. Take another look at the marketing strategy and determine what has worked best in creating visibility for the brand. Evaluate what was done to increase following. Review sales reports and try to follow patterns for growth. Research the achievements of competitors and learn from them.

Reach out:

Use slow times to reach out to customers and check on them. Send season’s greetings that reflect sincere wishes and promises for future work relationships. Send out a newsletter with wishes for a successful new year. Assure customers that your business will always be there for them when they need it. Reaching out to current customers is very important to increasing customer retention. Use the season as an opportunity to establish contact with customers, leads, and everyone on the mailing list.


Yes, December is the time to plan for the new year. Write your vision and set business objectives. Break them into goals and set timelines. Research business and marketing trends. Sketch out a marketing plan so the business stays ahead in brand visibility.

Get Organized:

Prepare for January/February income tax filing. Catch up on administrative work. Follow up with the accountant in order to complete income tax filing in a timely manner.

If December is not the busiest season for your business industry, it doesn’t mean it’s a slow month. It’s up to the business owner to use it wisely and make it a time to prepare for a successful year ahead.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post! You may follow BizReflections blog for future business related posts and updates. (FOLLOW button in sidebar). I would also like to invite you to subscribe to BizReflections YouTube channel. Our channel is a collection of business videos that equip small business owners for growth.