
The worst nightmare for the business owner


As business owners, we set goals and strive to achieve them on a daily basis. Yet, as we go about doing our work, we realize that some tasks may fail and other tasks may succeed. And even though we are conscious of the undetermined results, we stay focused on the ultimate business objectives to guide us toward success. Overcoming obstacles is a characteristic that every business owner should master. Nevertheless, some obstacles, if not carefully dealt with, may turn into nightmares.

Let’s look at some of the potential worst nightmares for a business owner:

Financial complications

One of the worst nightmares for a business owner is experiencing risky financial problems. And I am talking about financial difficulties that may threaten the survival of a business. These troubles may be a sudden deflation of revenue or going bankrupt. It may also be facing substantial debt or having to lay off employees. Facing situations that require radical decisions that will determine the existence of the business can be a nightmare if not planned for. A part of business planning is incorporating a proactive plan that will assist business owners as they make decisions during these emergency situations.

Losing a major customer

Another nightmare is failing to retain a major customer. And if that was a long-term or high-value customer, it will make the situation an even more devastating blow; as it could potentially lead to significant financial losses. Identifying major customers, and building a retention strategy, will secure long-term relationships and maintain the sustainability of the business.

Legal issues

A small business may be subject to facing a wide range of legal issues, such as lawsuits, regulatory investigations, or maybe some intellectual property disputes. That can be a nightmare for small businesses as court issues are usually time-consuming. These legal issues are also expensive and potentially damaging to the reputation and credibility of any business.

Reputational damage

A small business’ reputation is a valuable asset, and any damage in the standing of a business will affect its credibility and trustworthiness. Once the reputation is harmed, it gives way for the negative press to fuss, customer complaints will skyrocket, and social media will backlash. And that can have serious consequences on the survival of a small business.

Loss of key personnel

Another major nightmare for a business is the sudden loss of a key staff member. Whether it be an important executive, a top salesperson, or a highly skilled worker; that can cause a major setback for a business. These unexpected crucial vacancies can impact the business’s ability to operate effectively and achieve its targets.

Natural disasters or other emergencies

When operating a business, it is crucial to allocate an emergency fund, and ensure that proper insurance is in place to cover natural disasters and other emergencies. Unpredicted crises such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, or power outages can disrupt a business’s operations and turn them into a nightmare. These disastrous conditions can cause significant damage to the facilities, equipment, and inventory. And in some cases, it can even result in human loss.

Cyber-attacks or data breaches

A significant nightmare for a business may be caused by a violation of cyber security. Cyber-attacks and data breaches are alarming as they result in the theft or loss of sensitive data. We have all heard of shocking stories of how customer information or proprietary information has gone missing in reputable banks or businesses. Such horrifying experiences can have serious consequences on the credibility or reliability of the business.

Google Search Tricks You Never Thought Exist


Google’s plan for its search feature seems to be geared to continuously increase the number of searches even without any submission by the user. We are at a point now where we ask Google for everything! Want to know the weather? Ask Google. Want to get the location of a business? Ask Google. What to know where a restaurant is? Ask Google.

Google seems to appreciate that people are using their search feature and they are definitely investing in it. Now we can perform searches that are based on keywords and get our results without even having to submit the search. Let’s test that:

Go to Google and type the following search keyword: Weather


Isn’t it helpful to save time and get the result instantly without even submitting the search? Wait, there’s more! Google search has extended its feature ability to do simple calculations.

Let’s try another function. This time let’s try the calculation:  567*44=


Google now instantly gives us the answer, without even submitting the inquiry for any calculation! That means that now Google search can replace our calculator for simple calculations. In fact, now Google has its own calculator under the search term: Calculator Google.


To take that further, Google search now does complex calculations, graph functions, and it solves geometry problems. It converts Fahrenheit to Celsius, currency and weight comparisons, and a lot more.

Google search even compares travel information including price comparison!


Future Features

More Google searches are coming up every year. And there will be new features with artificial intelligence in years to come including a 360-degree shopping experience that is still being worked on.

If you are a fan of Google products like I am, keep looking out for new search features regularly. Google’s latest technology will definitely continue to contribute efficiency to our daily work routine.

Entrepreneurs Make Exceptional Hikers


This summer I decided to explore forests and parks in an attempt to increase activity and regain muscle strength. As an entrepreneur, I have learned that once I make a decision, I have to work on an implementation plan. So, in an attempt to understand what hiking is all about, I decided with my girls to go for a walk in Hilton Falls Park. Starting with a bottle of water and an old pair of walking shoes, I walked 2.5 km. That day, I enjoyed my time with my girls, I took some pictures and I went back to where my car was parked, thinking that I have hiked that day. Little did I know that hiking is a sport and one can become a professional hiker!

As I approached my car, I noticed a lady in the car beside mine packing her hiking sticks. She looked like she was performing a cleansing ritual from the sweat of a long hike. As I came closer, I recognized her face and even her name came to mind! I called her name out: “Karen?!”, she looked at me with eyes that were trying to recognize who I am. I mentioned my name, and we immediately started recollecting the time when we were working together at an International non-profit organization, over 20 years ago.

We stood there for almost half an hour chatting and updating each other news. I mentioned to Karen that my plan for the summer is to hike the trails of Halton Hills. She then told me about her hiking journey and how she’s been volunteering with the city as a ranger on the trails. She even volunteered to be my guide in my hiking journey!

What? I questioned if I heard that right! So, I sought clarification, and she confirmed that she would volunteer to be my guide on my hiking trips. That was at the beginning of June 2022. And since then, I have been hiking with Karen at least once a week. That is when I realized that hiking is more than just walking the trails. It is an adventure, it is a commitment, and it requires the qualities that I have acquired as an entrepreneur. I understood then that entrepreneurs make exceptional hikers! And here are four reasons why Entrepreneurs make exceptional hikers:

Entrepreneurs are Visionaries

Entrepreneurs are usually good visionaries. They can see the bigger picture of where they want their business to be within a certain period of time. They willingly work hard to get where they want to be one step at a time. Similarly, hikers can clearly identify what hikes they dream of and plan to hike within a specific time period. Hikers are able to discover their ambitions and they work hard to succeed in achieving their dream hikes one step at a time.

Entrepreneurs are Risk Takers

Being a risk taker is an important quality that helps Entrepreneurs flourish and succeed. In fact, one cannot be an entrepreneur without possessing the ability to take risks.  It is that challenge that drives them to accomplish and meet goals. After all, the majority of entrepreneurs have taken the risk of leaving a secure job to start their entrepreneurial journey.

In comparison, hikers take risks during every trip they make. Whether it be inside a forest, every time they hop over slippery rocks and waterfalls, or even as they climb rocky mountains. They are very much aware of the predictable, but, at the same time, they are not afraid to face the unpredictable. After all, isn’t that what risk-taking is all about?

Entrepreneurs are Determined

Entrepreneurs are very determined people. They keep trying despite failure. They are good at picking up the pieces and giving it another attempt, and they keep doing that until they succeed. Entrepreneurs learn from their own mistakes and they keep developing their ways until they achieve their goals. Hikers have different challenges, but it is their determination that allows them to reach their targets. Trust me, walking 8 km was not an easy task for me, and many times during that hike I felt discouraged and unable to continue. It was only through my determination that I was able to achieve hiking that distance. Professional hikers go on 25km and 30km trips and they keep at it until they reach their objective.

Entrepreneurs are Persevering

Perseverance is a quality that refines character. It is a skill that can be acquired through experience (learning) or through an example (other’s influence). It is a quality that determines the success of an entrepreneur. John D Rockefeller, who is a business tycoon, said: “I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance.” This quality has the same effect on hikers as they face challenges; whether it be physical challenges (pains and aches) or natural and environmental challenges (slippery rocks, muddy or dry soil,….), it is through perseverance that hikers succeed in achieving their goals and reaching unsurpassed objectives.

Are you an entrepreneur? Then, my recommendation to you is to consider hiking as the activity that will help you build your entrepreneurial character. The qualities that entrepreneurs already have does equip them to become hikers, and hiking will help them polish their abilities to become the entrepreneurs they want to be.

Starting A Business: The Under-Appreciated Element


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Many in this world dream of starting a business. However, establishing a business requires an entrepreneur’s character and resilience. An entrepreneur is driven by a dream and does whatever it takes to make his vision come true. At times, it may require long days and nights of work. There may be instances where one will face failures but learns from them. Other times it will require the ability to handle different types of personalities. And definitely, it expects a character that can handle success with grace.

A Guide to Starting a Business in Canada

While talking to people, I find it common to meet individuals that love to start their own business but do not really know where to start from. Some people begin with writing a business plan, but I personally favour a different approach. And I always recommend for my clients to start by finding their business dream.

Have You Found Your Business Dream?

We can start a business based on numbers lacking the passion that drives the business, but that will only be a project with a short lifespan. Or we may start a business with big dreams and a great passion to accomplish the work, but lacking structure, budget, and projections for profits and gains. And that is also a project with a short lifespan. Finding the business dream can be a good start as one will go into the business with enthusiasm and passion to accomplish the work. However, the structure has to be identified and defined as part of the process. 

Yes… A business dream is a major element in starting a successful business and cannot be underappreciated as it is the driving force of business development.

Find your business dream

An Inspiring Vision

Once we find what our business dream is, then it’s time to think it through carefully and turn the dream into a vision.  A vision is more defined and allows us to see what the final destination is like as we dive into our business journey.

See how the bigger picture is clear?

We have the dream, and we have the vision. Yes, it is time to move on and identify the product or service that will be offered to clients. In Addition, a decision has to be made in regards to the type and name of the business.

Structure and Finances

At this stage, it is a good time to write a business plan. It doesn’t have to be too complex and long, but it has to be measurable with a clear action plan and timeframes. A 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year plan is recommended as guidelines to help the business reach its important milestones.  And as part of the planning process, we need to carefully think about the financial status of the business. Now is the time to reflect on whether we will be needing a bank loan or not. What type of Bank accounts will we need to operate the business? Will there be a need to rent an office or rent equipment? All these decisions may have financial ramifications in the future, and that is why it may require some planning before we move into the execution phase.

Get The Business Registered

Running a business requires an official status that we cannot neglect. If the business is planning to operate across Canada then it has to get registered with the Federal government. On the other hand, if the plan is to operate inside one specific Canadian province, then there is no need to register it at the Federal level, but we definitely will need to get it registered with the provincial government.

End the Startup phase

We still need to complete the financial structure and open the bank accounts or get the loans that we need to run the business. I also recommend short-term planning as the final step to starting a business. Set short-term measurable goals one or two weeks at a time and make sure to work hard to achieve them.

Notice how we started with the bigger picture and once we understood and mastered that part, we then moved on to a short-term action plan.  That’s when the Startup process is complete and it’s time to move on to the execution phase.

A guide to starting a business in Canada

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post! You may follow BizReflections blog for future business related posts and updates. (FOLLOW button in sidebar). I would also like to invite you to subscribe to BizReflections YouTube channel. Our channel has a collection of business videos that equip small business owners for growth.

Meeting Customer Needs in a Pandemic Era

Meeting customer needs: the objective of every business.

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Are you one of the enterprises that had to remodel its business processes in order to stay operating during the COVID-19 era? Or are you still running your business in survival mode? Meeting customer needs in a pandemic era have been the focus of every business.

The Difference

Innovation in remodeling the business is what differentiates businesses that are meeting their monthly revenue from businesses that are struggling to survive. The Pandemic has changed lifestyles and closed businesses and the need to restructure and remodel the business will allow more room to meet customer needs. The pandemic has really hit the business community hard, especially in trades like food, events, and hospitality industries.

A Business Guide

Here are Four tips to guide the business as it innovatively remodels its offerings:

  1. Time to Reflect: Take time to reflect, evaluate and write down the current offerings of the business. It is very important to have a clear view of what’s current in order to identify the sudden change that took over since the pandemic started.
  2. Identify Changes: With an open mind, identify the changes that were imposed on the business. Keep a log in order to enhance clarity of the situation . Sometimes business owners find it difficult to embrace change. However, in the world of business, change has proven to be evident. In normal days business owners have to keep watch for trends and quickly adapt to the changes that come with them.  While the pandemic brought major changes to the business world, business owners still have to adapt and be open to alter their practices.
  3. Brain storm: Reflect on the list of changes that the business had experienced one at a time. Write down innovative remodelling ideas for the business.  It can be amendments to practices and operations, or it may be bringing in some new products or services. While brainstorming mark down creative and innovative ideas as they come to mind. And always keep customers as the target audience and core mark to the new model.
  4. Create a Plan: Now that all the facts are at hand, it is time to organize the collected data and edit the list of remodelling ideas. With that we are equipped to establish a readiness and come up with a plan. The objective behind that process is to implement change. Modifications that are geared to regain consumer confidence and recommence consistent growth for the business.


That exercise will restructure the business model to retain and acquire customers in a pandemic era. Once that practice is complete, and the business starts running with the new model, then it is time to craft a marketing plan that works in sync with the new changes.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post! You may follow BizReflections blog for future business related posts and updates. (FOLLOW button in sidebar). I would also like to invite you to subscribe to BizReflections YouTube channel. On our channel there is a collection of business videos that equip small business owners for growth.

December: A Critical Month for the Small Business

pexels monicore

Entrepreneurship was very important at our home as my parents were entrepreneurs. And despite the rush and hustle that always came with the month of December, it was the month we enjoyed the most. My Dad owned a retail store on a busy street in the city of Beirut. And one of the most memorable times I have for December is when my siblings and I used to alternate to go and help my Dad at the store. That was always the busiest time of the year.  Yes, to some businesses it may be a busy month, but to others, it is the slowest time of the year. Whatever season December may mean for any business, it is considered a critical month to many owners and entrepreneurs. Many may not see it as a critical month yet, however, this blog may be an eye-opener to many!

Listen as you read …

Steps To Consider

If December is a high season for the business, get the help it needs to meet customer requirements. However, if it is a slow season and has a decline in sales, it does not mean that time spent on planning and doing admin work gets undervalued. Here is a list of tasks that can be done in December to prepare the business for a successful year ahead.


Evaluate the calendar year not only in terms of sales but also in terms of operations and customer relations. Review business practices and learn from mistakes done. Take another look at the marketing strategy and determine what has worked best in creating visibility for the brand. Evaluate what was done to increase following. Review sales reports and try to follow patterns for growth. Research the achievements of competitors and learn from them.

Reach out:

Use slow times to reach out to customers and check on them. Send season’s greetings that reflect sincere wishes and promises for future work relationships. Send out a newsletter with wishes for a successful new year. Assure customers that your business will always be there for them when they need it. Reaching out to current customers is very important to increasing customer retention. Use the season as an opportunity to establish contact with customers, leads, and everyone on the mailing list.


Yes, December is the time to plan for the new year. Write your vision and set business objectives. Break them into goals and set timelines. Research business and marketing trends. Sketch out a marketing plan so the business stays ahead in brand visibility.

Get Organized:

Prepare for January/February income tax filing. Catch up on administrative work. Follow up with the accountant in order to complete income tax filing in a timely manner.

If December is not the busiest season for your business industry, it doesn’t mean it’s a slow month. It’s up to the business owner to use it wisely and make it a time to prepare for a successful year ahead.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post! You may follow BizReflections blog for future business related posts and updates. (FOLLOW button in sidebar). I would also like to invite you to subscribe to BizReflections YouTube channel. Our channel is a collection of business videos that equip small business owners for growth.



Do start-ups, or maybe entrepreneurs in general, focus on their business, or do they get easily overwhelmed and distracted by competition? Is competition always a threat or can it be an extension to business objectives at times? Whether we make it or break it in this competitive world will depend on the perception that guides our business journey

Businesses have always struggled with the idea of being close to completion and in many cases, they have fiercely tried to find ways to fight competitors. Like any other business concept, things do fall back on how a business owner perceives competition.

Here are 3 ways to perceive competition in hope that readers will opt for the realistic choice:

An Enemy

Continue with the attitudes of the past and stay distant from competitors. If approached, reject and sadistically object their presence and continue to viciously bad mouth and fight them.

A Stranger

Embrace the passive approach. Take the attitude of “I recognize your presence, but stay away”.  As long the competitor does not interfere with my business I am safe and I can make gains.

A Lead

Reach out to competitors and meet them face to face. Ease down the perception that you may be a threat to them.  Share some best practices of the industry and exchange information that may benefit both parties.  Approach competitors with an open mind, be willing to give first so you may build trust. Work on establishing a relationship that will ease down existing boundaries and reshape them into boundaries that are built on respect and that will create a win-win situation for both businesses.

Yes, competitors can be leads and may be very good leads at times.  Strategize as you build relationships and stay focused on the objectives that you have set for your business.


new year

The start of every year may be a proper time to work on setting new business goals and resolutions; after all, it’s the start of a new beginning that has major significance to the whole world.  Here are 4 business tips that will help you start off 2019.

  1. Review your vision for the business:  Starting off the year with eagerness and drive for the vision will help kick off the business year and set it in the right direction.  Evaluate where the business is at and set new milestones for 2019
  2. Categorize your mailing list:
    • Segment your audience and know who your clients are.  Stay in touch with them and seek their opinion and feedback.
    • Know how many leads were acquired during the previous year and make plans to increase this number by setting goals.
    • Pin point acquaintances and ensure to stay in touch with them during the course of the year.
  3. Review the products and/or services list, evaluate the performance of each item and based on that “keep, “discard” or “introduce NEW”.
  4.  Establish a realistic marketing strategy that is based on achieving goals and reaching milestones for the year.


prioritizing tasks

Every day brings with it new tasks, situations, and a to-do list that may get overwhelming. Thinking of the day ahead and the things that need to get done can be stressful and frustration may take over. One proven solution to stay in control is to apply prioritizing techniques.

Prioritizing what must get done in a day is a skill that anyone can acquire with a little bit of organization and discipline. However, learning to stay focused and focused on goals requires determination and persistence.

Each day, one gets to do planned activities and unplanned activities.  It is easy to prioritize planned activities. Applying a few prioritizing techniques will increase efficiency on a normal day.  As for the unplanned activities that unexpectedly come up, the best way to handle them is by making decisions that are focused on business goals.

Techniques that may help in the prioritizing process:

  1. Create a To-Do list the night before. Just work on a list without even thinking of what should get done first or last.
  2. First thing in the morning, get the To-Do list and read it carefully. Based on business goals for the day take out the tasks that may not seem important for that day.
  3. Number the remaining items on the To-Do list based on importance to the set goals for the day.
  4. Deal with unplanned activities that may unexpectedly arise, by making decisions that are based on daily goals.

During the prioritizing process, learning to say “No” may seem a difficult practice at first. However, it is a practice that needs to get done in order to stay focused on the prime tasks assigned for each day.


target market

Entrepreneurs and small business owners may have the brightest business idea, but if they fail to identify their target market and their target audience they have set up their business venture for disaster.  A distinct target market is the number one element of a successful marketing strategy.


It is analyzing a business sales market with the ability to identify who will be most interested in the product and/or service it is offering… and why?  It is a segmented market whose interests are focused on the product and/or service a business is selling.



Look at the demographics and geographic positioning of the market you are selling to.  Explore their social status:  their age, family size, education level, jobs they are holding, what area they live in, can they afford your product or services?

Segment Your Market

Based on your research divide your market and filter your data based on market interest and income status.  You may find that a segment of your target market can afford to buy your offerings at full price; while you may also find another segment of your market that is interested in your offerings but can only afford to buy them at a discounted price.

Know Your Customer Base

Connect with your customers regularly and occasionally survey their needs for what you are selling.  As your business grows, your client needs and social status may change.  Build a system that will keep your client base information up-to-date.  Your current clients already have an interest in your product/service and after all word of mouth will help you acquire new clients or even potential clients that are interested to follow your business.


Based on its target market a business can then identify the group of people that may be interested to get their promotions and advertising material, or they may even be at the ready stage to buy a product!  That group of people can vary in terms of age, occupation, geographic location, family status, or income, but the only factor that makes that group the target audience is that they are identified as having developed an interest in your product/service.


Knowledge of target market

The more you know about your target market the easier it is to identify your target audience.  If, for example, your target market is Women in high positions in the workplace; then in order to identify the audience it will help to know their management ranking.  Are they part of Senior management or are they in Junior management?  Are they involved in a decision-making process or do they just transfer recommendations through the company hierarchy, etc…

Surroundings matter

When the target market gets outlined it is also important to consider its surroundings.  If women in high positions, that make decisions in the workplace, are the target market, then the target audience will be these women along with anyone in their social and professional circles:  their subordinates, coworkers, direct reports, husband, partners, kids, and family members, fitness club friends, etc….

Purpose is Key

Define the purpose for providing your business offerings.  Is the purpose behind your product/service to enhance beauty? Or is it to facilitate logistics? Is it to develop your customer team? Or is it a food item that your clients or family members may be interested in?

Knowing the target market and knowing the purpose behind providing that specific product and/or service will definitely help the business define its target audience and stay focused on the needs to whom they are selling.  A distinct target audience is definitely the number one element of a successful sales strategy.


news magazines

Most small businesses create their marketing strategies without considering the many online marketing tools available for them to use as they promote and create visibility for their business.  Here are three promotional tools that will help grow a small business.

Speaking at events

Becoming a speaker at events may require some effort to attend the different events that take place in a business area.  Joining business networking groups and becoming active members there may open up opportunities for increased visibility for a small business. In some groups, speaking at events may be offered as a benefit to members only.


Position your business as a leader in its business industry, and create podcasts that educate, inform or maybe create awareness about a product or service. Podcasting is a growing trend that will increase visibility for your business, and they make good content to post and circulate on social media platforms.

Advertise in a community newspaper

Community magazines are usually widely distributed and read by the public.  Find the community magazine that is most viewed by your business target audience and run an ad there for a few months in a row.  Ads are most effective when seen by the viewer repetitively.

Some beneficial promotional resources that are worth exploring are:

  • Bizbites (bizbites.ca) – a pool for business podcasts
  • Canadian SME – the #1 small business magazine in Canada.

More tools are available out there, explore opportunities and search for what works best to position your business as a leader in its own industry.



What is Globalization?

Globalization is the act of connecting and integrating people, companies, and governments of different nations, through international trade and investments; powered by the use of technologies. However, is the small business making use of that trend?

Now is the time for small businesses to flourish by increasing efficiency at a low cost. Indian and Russian web-based small businesses see the value that Globalization brings and are daily reaching out to Canadian businesses offering their IT services at minimal fees. Some Canadian businesses have jumped on board and are outsourcing the automation of their processes, thus saving thousands of dollars per year and at the same time increasing efficiency in their day-to-day transactions. Other companies like Zoho.com and Pamten.com are establishing headquarters abroad, saving on overhead and manpower costs, and at the same time increasing their revenue streams by selling services, that are executed abroad, to businesses across North America.

We also find that International e-Commerce giants like AliExpress.com have emerged along with many others that are following in their footsteps. And as we observe what’s happening we find that this expansion of e-stores is now causing growth for other small businesses such as courier services and logistics industry, money exchange, and online payments gateways. Yes, Globalization has affected small businesses not only in Ontario but across the Globe!

Has your small business found its niche in this Globalized new economy?


mobile apps

One important business trend that is exploding these days is the increase in the use of mobile apps.  New apps get added to Apple and Google stores every day. Is your business ready to reach out to mobile users? Do you, as a business owner, realize the importance of reaching out to a mobile app audience?

3 Ways To Reach Mobile Users

Get a business Mobile app

Invest in having someone create a business mobile app that reflects your company’s business identity and environment.  That could be a more expensive and challenging option as you reach out to mobile users. However, it will open up new opportunities for marketing the business. Choosing to create an app requires a certain amount of creativity that will trigger handlers to download and use that business app.

Business Directory Apps

Subscription-based business directory apps help in creating a business presence among mobile users.  Some mobile apps have local businesses pinned on a map; others may have them listed with search engine capabilities. And in some cases, some may have both features included.  Make sure you subscribe to the local business directory apps as a reach out to mobile users.


There are marketing services that feed into mobile apps.  Podcasts are an amazing marketing tool that is easy to link as a feed.  Subscribe to apps that feature existing podcasts that allow users to contribute content to their channel; that’s one way to increase business visibility among mobile users. Contributing content will definitely increase your business visibility, and in return, it will place you as a leader within your own industry.

The latter two ways are more cost-effective and doable for small businesses as they reach mobile users.  There are plenty of apps that provide local directory listings.  Find the app that is widespread in your area and subscribe to get your business listed there.


business networking

What is networking?

Google’s definitions for “Networking” are:

  1. Connect as, or operate with a network.
  2. Link computers to operate interactively.
  3. Interact with other people to exchange information and develop contacts, especially to further one’s career.

In business networking events we find all three definitions represented. We meet the people that are there to exchange cards, tell others about their business; with little interest they may wait to hear what others have to say in order to complete the networking process, but they do not engage in conversations that elevate the connection into a lead.

In the second meaning of networking google’s dictionary talks about connecting computers to create a network, but that reminds me of the people that attend networking events but barely connect with anybody, they are just there for the purpose of exchanging cards in order to get people’s e-mail addresses to add them to their mailing list in order to establish that computer connection.

The third meaning of networking is what true business networking is all about. Business owners interacting with other people to discuss business topics, exchange information, acquire contacts; of course for the purpose of developing and growing their business. This type of business networking will definitely reap the benefits for the business as that connection will turn into a good lead that will refer others to the business and that may turn into a faithful customer one day.

The success of business networking depends on the mindset one develops as they approach networking events. To reap the benefits for the time spent at a business networking event one has to be authentic about meeting people, show interest to know more about other represented businesses, reflect clear objectives when exchanging cards, develop a business connection that is built on respect and a willingness to contribute knowledge and exchange referrals.  Is your business wasting time or reaping benefits during business networking events?

Note: If you are looking for a reliable and credible business networking event in the Greater Toronto Area of Ontario, Canada, visit www.ontariosmallbusinessnetwork.com.


creative leader

Is creativity crucial to small business success? Is it enough to hire creative workforce to design, plan, strategize and implement? What about businesses that adopt the traditional business approach? Do innovative business strategies define the success of a business?

Yes, in order for a small business to stand out in this competitive world of business it requires creativity and innovation. Whether a small business can hire inventive staff or not, creativity has to start in Leadership. When a business owner is not creative, the business becomes very habitual and resistant to change. In a world where change is happening every day, a business that lacks creativity will eventually expire.

Here are 3 goals to drive the creative business owner:

Be a leader in your industry

Competition is on the rise and business owners have to work hard to make their business stand out from other competitors. They find themselves working with an innovative mind rather than moving forward the traditional way. Any small business seeking to become leaders in their own industry finds it fundamental to be creative in their business approach.

Think outside the box

As a business owner myself, I found that anytime I confine myself to one business approach and restrict myself to that school of thought, my success curve will eventually decline. Business owners: stay up-to-date with the latest business trends and feed on the creativity that is presented by the different business experts.

Make creativity your business mark

Competitors are watching the progress of others in their industry; make creativity your mark. When that happens they will find themselves copying your ideas and business strategies and you automatically become the leader in that business trade.